Licensing for Personal, Editorial or Commercial Use
While my time is usually free, my images and works are not Royalty-free. This means that the use of my works is strictly based on the License that is granted, agreed to or supplied to you.
Fees are largely determined by the usage of the works. Thus, smaller use, smaller fee, larger use, larger fee.
Other factors that affect the licensing are the type of usage itself, the length of usage and any exclusivity required.
A license to use does not confer transfer of copyright or ownership.
Personal use and Rights-managed license
This license grants the user the right to use the work for their personal use and to post on their social media with full credits wherever and whenever the images are used.
For individuals, images are prohibited from being printed or used in any way not initially agreed upon.
Businesses can, however, use images and works for display in their place of business and their social media but cannot have the images on their website nor have them in prints that can easily be moved out of the place of business (such as in fliers), cannot be used outside the country where the business is domiciled and cannot be extended to any other branch or subsidiary of the business except such use was consented to before the production of the works or images.
This license lasts for 10 years and can be renewed upon expiry. Any use after expiry and without renewal will have to follow fair use or fair dealing guidelines. More information can be found via the UK Copyright Service.
Fees for this license start from £10 per image but are usually free if I approach or pitch you to carry out the work.
Commercial license
This license grants the user the right to use the images and works for personal and commercial use.
The user has the right to use the images and works in communications designed to sell their products or services through any means desired by the user and in any geographical location of their choice.
Images under this license cannot however be used on merchandise for resale and they last for 10 years else otherwise initially agreed. Use of images can be renewed upon expiry.
The fee for this license starts from £30 per image.
Advertising and Merchandising license
Unlike a basic Commercial license which is used strictly for products and services in everyday use, this license primarily grants the user permission to use the images and works in advertising campaigns.
This includes single-use advertising, out-of-home advertising, print advertising, broadcast advertising, display advertising and multi-channel advertising.
This license also grants the user the rights to use the images for merchandising and retail product packaging,
This license is usually for 3 years or more depending on the needs of the user.
The fee for this license starts from £100 per image.
Publications and Editorial use
Except such use is purely for or stemming from charitable uses, or I have submitted a pitch in that regard, fees for use of images start from £60 per image depending on perceived use and reach.
Exclusive license
This grants you, the user, the exclusive rights to use the images or works for a lifetime.
It will be illegal for me to use these images in any way aside from promoting my services.
You cannot, however, extend the license to third parties.
Fees for exclusive licenses start from £500 per image.
Videos, moving pictures and audio visuals
This will usually fall under and be delivered within any of the above licenses or uses.
However, a 1-5 minute video produced from 1-3 hours of shooting starts from £300 per video.
Unauthorised use
You are only licenced to use the images within the specified context described in the Image Licence which is supplied to you. Any use outside these specific terms will be deemed unauthorised use.
Unauthorised use of my images or works in any context will incur a penalty charge of at least 2x the normal rates, And I reserve the right to charge an hourly rate for any time I have to spend chasing payment.
More information can be found via the UK Copyright Service.